Cognition, Conscience, and Consciousness Briefly Delineated


Cognition is input of facts or data into the mind by the brain, and conscience is the output of values or mores into the brain by the mind, while consciousness itself is pure awareness.

That is, consciousness only perceives the throughput of both cognition and conscience. Cognition inputs facts of entropy and outer phenomena, while conscience outputs demands of syntropy and inner noumena.

By this view, consciousness is the Big Self, the I AM, which merely witnesses the other two, and which is immortal and non-dual, being Nature herself, peering through each of us.

Cognition is a source of determinism, while conscience is a source of freedom and of will. However, cognition is observational and inductive, while conscience is contemplative and deductive. While cognition processes data from outside, conscience contemplates data from inside of cognition, making value judgments for appropriate action to be taken by the motor system. Consciousness is a witness to all of this.

For example, fear, as well as the initial fight or flight response, is purely cognitive, similar to sensibilities, which lack conscientiousness. In this respect, it is negentropic, because it attempts to negate a loss (entropy) and often results in hatred. But a conscientious reaction could do better, if appropriate, such as by forming bonds of love through mutual understanding. This is not only negentropic, avoiding entropy, but is syntropic, actively creative.

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