New Tabor Now Available!


New Tabor is something a little bit different from my usual efforts. Usually I shy away from fiction, but, in this case, I have created a Realist boardgame for the purpose of not only having a good time, but for learning about mutualism! Subtitled The Game of Physical Economy, my creation New Tabor is an economic simulator that places you in the middle of a mutualist economy that you generate from out of your own bare labor applied to the land. Central to the game are geo-mutualist mechanisms of economy, such as a self-appraised land value “tax” and full-reserve mutual credit. Players are ultimately trying to live the Good Life by attaining happiness, but find that in order to achieve this they must first consider their own and the other players’ material needs, producing and exchanging as necessary to meet them. It could just have easily been called The Game of Moral Economy. Also, for those who are really into it, and who want to learn more, there is an expansion pack that adds additional credit unions and land trust dynamics to the game. This was part of the original design, and has deemed to clunky for regular gameplay for beginners, but is available for those who want to play more advanced or to engage more with the educational aspect.

Download a copy of the Instructions


If you dig it, shoot me an e-mail and I can send you a handmade physical copy for $200! I can also handbind classic mutualist and free thinker texts for you as negotiated.

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