Regular Ol' Me
I have a wide range of interests like anyone else does. Aside from my work here, I am a homesteader, with a love for raising my own livestock in a silvopasture setting. I eat a majority-vegan diet, though, and make 100% vegan purchases (outside of livestock themselves), having had been fully vegan for over a decade but having since taken up raising my own egg-laying fowl and dairy animals for ecological purposes, and eating lacto-ovo sourced from my own livestock raised on my own smallhold as a result. I continue to boycott the commercial meat, egg, and dairy industry, believing veganism to be the appropriate choice where ecology does not demand otherwise, such as in urban environments. But I also have to slaughter animals sometimes (such as an overpresence of roosters who leave the hens' backs bare, or dying suffering sheep), in which case my dog eats any usable meat as an alternative to the factory-farmed dogfood I otherwise (shamefully) purchase for him.
I have been a drummer in a few local hardcore punk rock bands. Fun times. I also organized a couple of unincorporated associations, including a local branch of the IWW, a local mutual aid collective, and a peer-taught school of philosophy and mysticism. For federal notes, I have worked regular wage jobs at a vegan restaurant, a Vietnamese sandwich shop, a consumer-owned health food co-op, and a producer-owned urban farming co-op, but I am close to becoming self-employed, a dream come true, my escape from wagedom.
I like to draw from time-to-time-- those rare occassions of inspiration--, so some of the art here is mine, too.
Me in My Capacity as a Lay Philosopher
In my capacity as a fully-independent and unaffiliated lay philosopher, and an anti-establishmentarian with a loathing for credentialism and expertise (but a love of specialization) and for all political authority, I am a free thinking mutualist and a truth-seeking pantheist. I am willing to hear all sides and seek balance between all legitimate worldviews.
As an intellectual generalist, my studies are very multidisciplinary and the topics I cover similarly cross disciplines. I write about topics involving cosmology, biology, history, and social philosophy with an emphasis on the emerging capacity for humans to engage with one another voluntarily, consensually, and reciprocally.
I anchor my social philosophy in natural philosophy, and, in particular, the metaphysics of dualist pantheism or the perennial philosophy of ambitheism, as informed by perennialism and perennial heresy. You'll find that I have quite a bit of wisdom regarding our place in Nature, and that this gives rich insight to my social aspirations.
I consider my views to be non-political and Far Center, taking insight from the Far Left, the Far Right, and everything in between. That is, after all, the very nature of a truth-seeking free thinker!
My genuine personal preference is that of mutualism, an anarchist society in which everyone has maximal freedom and equality. I want virtuous habits, self-determination, full transparency, reciprocity, mutual aid, voluntaryism, consensus, and the end of vices, secrecy, exploitation, greed, oppression, and domination. I want everyone to own their own or an equal share in the home they live in, the job they work at, and to democratically control the policies of community institutions, and to be self-sufficient, self-managing, and self-governing in a confederal, anarchist republic.
Paleo- and Geo-Mutualist
The problem is, the means for this is full class consciousness and economic class war, but various statisms and Bobo identity politics have disrupted class consciousness, denying class reductionism and ridiculing it as manarcho-brocialism. Well, I'm a manarcho-brocialist, I guess! As such, I have developed a personal preference for retroprogressive, remodernist, culturally moderate approaches, from which I have developed the concept of paleo-mutualism, which focuses on establishing a worthwhile tradition upon the efforts of the founding thinkers of mutualism-- such as Josiah Warren, Pierre Charnier, Pierre Proudhon, Herbert Spencer, and Benjamin Tucker--, while acknowledging shortcomings from lessons forgotten from out of modernism, the Radical Enlightenment, the Radical Reformation, and etc.
While I believe the mutualists were on the right track overall, I hold that they were not conscientious enough against the rise of postmodernism. I consider the reasons for this to largely be connected to lost and lacking radical tradition, too much acceptance of mechanistic, materialist philosophy (entropism), Romantic sentiments, apathy or antipathy toward polygenism, and pessimistic atheism.
Paleomutualism encourages mutualists to instead look back to pantheist and deist thinkers from the Radical Enlightenment, such as Baruch Spinoza, Matthew Tindal, John Toland, and the Radical Reformation and Renaissance, such as Nicholas of Cusa, Amalric of Bena, and Giordano Bruno, for natural "religious" sentiments. But the idea is not regression, but retroprogression and remodernism! As such, I also encourage mutualists to check out and build upon my own, new, synthetic approach to oscillating cosmology and geology and reticulate evolution based upon the new science of syntropy! Loads of new terrain is now opened to explore, and many hypotheses upon these foundations await new visionaries! Further, newer tools can be gained from out of non-mutualist ideologies, such as from market socialism, welfare economics, ParEcon, and agonism, and can be adapted for purposes of retroprogressing and remodernizing paleo- or geo-mutualism. Retroprogression and remodernization isn't just getting back to solid foundations, but also building on them!
Ambiarchy includes both my genuine aspirations for society-- geo-mutualist panarchism developing toward full mutualism-- and a realpolitik for getting there; both my philosophy and a counter-sophistry necessary to combat postmodernism. Full, classical mutualism-- in which I include paleomutualism and geo-mutualism-- is the goal. Geo-mutualist panarchism is the agonistic interface between mutualism and false ideologies (including neo-mutualism or "neo-Proudhonianism"). The arrangement overall is Ambiarchy.
Ambiarchy includes a strange anarchistic "affirmation" of statism and neo-anarchism appropriate for conquering both of them gracefully, by also leveraging natural laws against them. Mutualism is expected to come out on top in its social Darwinistic agon of geo-mutualist panarchism. Acknowledging the postmodern dilemma we face, I envision Ambiarchy as a functional honeytrap, wieldable by mutualists against false ideologies, "trapping" them relentlessly into a an agonistic game on a fair playing field of evolutionary competition. That's right. "How manipulative! Trap liars, used to a rigged system, into a fair competition, using only the forces of Nature!? How terrible!" Oh, but so fun it could be! And it is a good and the right thing to do, as it will increase theirs and everyone else's wellbeing and flourishing.
My ideological opponents are statists and neo-anarchists of all varieties, but perhaps especially neo-mutualists, cultural Marxists, adhocrats, ochlocrats, kakistocrats, technocrats, Zionists, and synarchists (including planism, etc.). They're all liars (often psychopathic, sociopathic, narcissistic, factitious, or histrionic). I want them in my Ambiarchy too, of course! These are lying Tricksters. But I'm the Trickster of Tricksters! And Ambiarchy is the Trick of Tricks.
But I'm not the true designer, as the design is inherent in Nature. I'm only a Realist "political" artist. Nature favors true mutualism (not neo- aka pseudomutualism). Thus, true mutualists are Morning Stars! And mutualism, accomplished, is Joachim's Age of the Holy Ghost. There is no danger in the trap's being known, because it is unable to be abused for nefarious ends, but is the very stuff of societal progress. Let a million traps be set, to drive price to cost! It's a necessity and an inevitability. And it's the Light of the World!