Race and Specie
We are used to thinking of species in terms of inherited genetic relation stemming from common ancestors. However, this is an incorrect assessment of species. Species are also thought to be unable to procreate outside of their own groups, at least while having viable offspring. But while interspecific procreation is more difficult, and this difficulty certainly characterizes what a specie is, the idea that species cannot interbreed has long been dispelled. Ligers, for instance, have been shown to be capable of backcrossing, and there has also been much hybridization in our own specie, with a large proportion of our genetic inheritance having come from backcrossing with Homo erectus, Neanderthal, Denisovan, and certain “ghost species.” So while species may be characterized by their difficulty interbreeding with others, and while this generally does imply traits inherited from a common source, this is not always the case. Instead, species should be categorized by their having certain traits in common, despite the origins of those traits. That is, species should be defined largely polyphyletically with recognition of what I will call convergent hybridizability or henophyletics, the ability of species coming from disparate backgrounds to coalesce into a higher form.

The above being recognized, it is time to recognize that race and species are related ideas. That is, a race is the base of a component-species as input into a larger species. So, for instance, while we are most certainly together a human species that has been characterized by genetic similarity, we are sourced from different species of human that convergently evolved in different locations before sharing genes. Europeans, for instance, evolved from out of Homo heidelbergensis most natively, which was likely an input into Neanderthal as well as Cro-Magnon, the anatomically modern human. But Cro-Magnon would also receive inputs from other sources, such as the Capoid race that once inhabited much of Eurasia but which is restricted primarily to Southern Africa, the Australoid race that once inhabited much of Southern and Western Asia and was no stranger to Europe, and likely from true Americanoids that evolved indigenously in the Americas and which came as Solutrean “Finnmen” and Siberian “Hyperborians.” The various races of the Stone Age would produce the later races through their intermixture, producing the Mediterranoid, Alpinid, and Nordid races. Similar events occurred across the world in their own localities, with local races converging into eco-regional races along various clines. Humans evolved from out of different species, and with input from different species in backcrossing as well as novel new mixture events.
The different species of proto-human hybridized, though mainly along contact zones. Hybrids were born to the different races, and were socially and sexually selected according to their traits, passing favorable traits along to the race, no longer specie, at-large in various proportions. This is how species are relegated to races, and how new species are formed from old species. Over time, the human specie would become defined, with various races representing the various inputs into that specie. Some of the races evolved later than others.
Race and Class
Class is something different from race and species, because it is not considered to be biological in origin. Class refers to the tiered relationship of different people according to their position in the pecking order, specifically to those who can command others, those who are free, and those who are commanded. Class is not always tied to race on a one-for-one basis such that all of a single race composes one class and another race composes another. Oftentimes, there is some overlap, with members of conquered races joining the conquering race in its positions of power or privilege. But class is generally established when one race or ethnicity (subrace) conquers another, with the conquerors becoming the ruling class and the conquered race becoming the abiding class.
Across the world, the ruling class tends to be composed of white people. It seems the reason that this may be the case is due to the socially-advantageous trait of being able to blush. While at times personally damning, and because of the pressures that come with this, blushing imposes on the individual who blushes more need to be honest, so as not to blush as one lies and thereby damage one’s reputation. In this way, Eurasian peoples of a light complexion found an easier time socializing together and so could cooperate in warfare against other peoples more effectively, becoming their rulers. Over time, however, this biological arm up was negated by the adoption of black magic garnered from other races, which would allow whites to do things such as toy with definitions, among other sophistries, and which allowed them to keep a straight face without blushing while using inappropriate definitions and such things, by convincing themselves that they were being honest (even if only to their own use of the word). When white people started to lie, they started to lose their advantages. Formalities would then take the place of custom, leveling the field to a greater extent and allowing for the co-option of members of other races into the various white tribal ethnicities, and so the race at-large, the beginnings of the global gray race, which I call Homo henopithecus, which is still in the process of evolving.
Racial Tension and Class Neglect
It was the imposition of the ruling races upon the abiding races that would establish class. But this imposition was in infringement on the principle of a common specie, which we are teleologically-determined to achieve, and so goes against the long-term dictates of natural law. For this reason, racial tensions can be alleviated by class consciousness, which is effectively the same as specie consciousness. When working people put class first, they are putting the human specie as a whole first, an act of humanism, because challenging class domination is challenging the constructions of interracial domination, which is a crime against humanity, our common specie. The ruling class puts their class, their crimes against humanity, first, which is their race at first but is then increasingly interracial.
Yes, racial differences exist and they are very real. But those differences, which are on their way out, should not define us. Defining ourselves by our past is a very dangerous proposition, because that is exactly what has led to statism in the past, which was established upon monophyletic assumptions belonging to ancient religions, culminating largely in the Abrahamic tradition, which teaches that we all came from “father Abraham,” and before him Adam, which means “red in the face” or “red man,” likely referring to the capacity to blush or otherwise to the complexion of Native Americans, some of whom likely immigrated to the Levant during the Neolithic. Whatever the case, the ruling class needs the abiding class to believe in their common origins rather than their common destiny.
Racial Tensions Used Against Class Consciousness
Racial tensions have been played on for a long time in order to cause problems for the class conscious. At first, these were the tensions between races, for instance, between white and black. Black workers, who had come from freed slaves, and Poor White workers, who were hillbillies, immigrants, or déclassé, were regularly pitted against one another to the benefit of the bosses. So long as white and black workers could not agree, and could not organize unions together, the bosses could have their heyday without worrying about too much trouble from the workers. But eventually, the workers, such as the Knights of Labor, would establish interracial unions, and they began to win against the bosses. Something had to be done.
The bosses used the new strategy of combating prejudice and allying across racial lines, used by the workers, in an effort of jiu jitsu, swinging the pendulum in the other direction. Now, racial tensions are much more different. It is no longer that the bosses are encouraging racism to divide the workers, they have instead resorted to establishing all white people who think differently than the intelligentsia as racists and everyone else as anti-racist, such that workers are once again divided, which is shooting themselves in the foot.
Racial tensions have been used against class consciousness for a very long time.
Class Unity and Occupational Segregation
The specie and the races have been separated by class, which is what holds them back from further evolving and attaining the highest form, perhaps a gray race. Class divides race and race. Humanism demands class unity from the abiding class, but interracial differences and unfamiliarity are played against by the ruling class, keeping the abiding class from fraternizing together. Class is divided along racial lines when it comes to occupation, such that it is difficult for the workers to organize themselves in interracial environments. In order to combat this problem, and with evolution in mind, it is necessary to work toward a new or perhaps revived way of arranging associations.
At the top must be the human specie, which we are admittedly still in the process of emerging. Class domination, whether along caste or other lines, must be regarded as a crime against humanity. Those of the abiding class must distinguish themselves in their own associations from the ruling class, and those of the various races must follow suit, leaving the occupational level to be segregated while the association at-large is not. Specie unity comes first, such that class domination is an infringement upon it. Class unity is next, such that racial domination is an infringement on it. And race is next, such that occupational domination (such as forced interracial association) is an infringement on it.

This arrangement applied to industrial unionism and syndicalism might be referred to as henosyndicalism or henounionism, referring to a oneness arising from out of many, and is somewhat neo-Platonist in its foundation. A henosyndicate would find interest in organizing all of humanity against the existence of class, such that race and specie may merge, but until then would support class consciousness and occupational segregation upon the realist foundations of race being polygenic at its origins and so requiring time for the coalescence to occur without tragedy through voluntary instead of forceful associations.
Ambiarchy serves as the best example of a structure that can support such a dynamic, because it functions according to henocentric law. Such an ambiarchy could have a federal relationship allowing for a panarchy between the classes and their supporters, while allowing for interracial but occupationally segregated associations to be established, thereby challenging the prior existence of class distinctions altogether. Such segregation would not have to be enforced, of course, and should not be, but should certainly be allowable. Humanity first, the abiding class second, then race and occupation, but as class is abolished so too will the lines of race merge together.
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